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Master Nuclear Engineering / track Nuclear Energy Production and Industrial Applications (NEPIA)

Diplôme visé
Master 2
Niveau de sortie
Bac + 5
Niveau de qualification
Exploitation d'une installation nucléaire
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NE/NEPIA Nuclear Energy Production & Industrial Applications specializes in nuclear sciences applications including energy production (power reactors) and industrial applications (particles beams technology, instrumentation,.....). A particular focus is put on the safety and radioprotection, to be considered in the management of a large project in this field.



  • Acquire basic knowledge necessary for understanding nuclear energy production (power reactors) and industrial applications, e.g. accelerators, cyclotrons...
  • Develop competences in reactor operation, maintenance and safety issues including radioprotection.
  • Develop competences in particles beams production and qualification.
  • Develop competences in nuclear radiations applications: instrumentation, non destructive control, security...
  • Develop an awareness of societal considerations related to nuclear energy production.
  • Take into account societal issues related to nuclear energy production.

Où se former ?

1 centre propose cette formation en France

En savoir plus

Type de formation
Formation réglementaire

Rythme de formation

  • Apprentissage
  • Contrat de professionnalisation
  • Temps plein
  • VAE


  • En présentiel
Numéro RNCP


Selection procedure

A committee consisting of professors is charged of selecting the applicants, based on the following criteria :

  • C.V. / Resume
  • Motivation letter
  • Applicant's previous scientific background and grades
  • English level
  • Working or training experience
  • Description of the professionnal plans after the NE/NEPIA program
  • Reference letters
Candidate profile
  • To candidate in M1 : First year of master : The international Master is open to candidates with at least a scientific Bachelor of Science degree
  • To candidate in M2 : Second year of master : The international Master is open to candidates with at least 4 years at university Bachelor or First year of master
  • With scientific disciplines such as Nuclear, Chemical and Civil Engineering, Energy, Environmental, Physics, Chemistry.
  • Candidates must have a certificate or other proof of English proficiency (required score: TOEFL ibt 80, IELTS 6.5, TOEIC 750, Cambridge)
  • A work experience is not mandatory but is a “plus” for the selection
  • No prerequisite in French
Preferred academic backgrounds
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Physics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Informations complémentaires

  • 100% English taught program

A savoir

La formation initiale s’adresse principalement aux élèves qui souhaitent acquérir les connaissances et compétences nécessaires à l’exercice d’un métier. La formation initiale peut durer de quelques mois à plusieurs années. Exemples : CAP, licence, master, diplôme d’ingénieur.

La formation continue s’adresse à un public en activité professionnelle qui souhaite mettre à jour ses compétences, se spécialiser ou se reconvertir. La formation continue, souvent plus courte que la formation initiale, peut être financée par l’entreprise ou le salarié lui-même.

Les métiers associés
